
Crepes & Waffles

May 27, 2015
In Colombia it is hard to find any high-quality chain restaurant. And really, that’s fine with me. I prefer to support the smaller owner-operated establishments. But there is one that is too good to ignore – Crepes & Waffles. What started as a small crepería in Bogotá in 1980, with

Cali’s Supermarkets

After moving to Colombia I had to figure out where to do my shopping. Sure, my girlfriend and her family had plenty of suggestions, but as a foreigner we do not always appreciate the same things in life. There’s a ton of supermarkets in Cali and on top of the more

Peru Peñon – Cali’s best Seafood

May 25, 2015
What is the best ceviche you’ve ever had? Mine was at Peru Peñon in Cali. And if I’m not counting my grandmothers salmon, then I might have to nominate their salmon for best in category as well. Anything that has to do with cooking things from the ocean, rocks at this establishment

Teatro Magico del Sabor

May 22, 2015
A visit to Teatro Magico del Sabor is in my honest opinion the best dining experience one can have in Cali. You may not agree that it is the best food in Cali, but you will have a hard time convincing me that the overall experience isn’t the best. Most likely

Good Bakeries in Cali

May 21, 2015
I am a bread lover. I am also a bread snob. I know it, and my friends and family here in Cali tell me daily. But I can’t help it – and I’m never going to get used to eating the white Colombian bread they serve everywhere. Whether Bimbo or

La Trattoria Italia

May 21, 2015
I don’t know what was your best ever Italian dining experience. La Trattoria Italia was one of mine. Having lived in Cali for almost than 2 years, about a year ago, by accident, I stumbled upon this fine little eatery in the heart of Barrio San Antonio. Boy was I
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