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The Cost Of Having A Maid In Colombia

One of the things about Colombia that makes life here feel luxurious, at least in the eyes of a foreigner, is the fact that services that include manual labour are very affordable. For me, personally, having a full-time maid is something I would have never been able to afford in

Colombia: Land of 18 National Holidays

June 22, 2015
So the 4th of July or Thanksgiving gets you excited? I don’t blame you. Usually it involves spending time with loved ones, eating great food and celebrating. But what if a few annual holidays simply isn’t enough? And what if you only had 5 or 10 days of vacation from your

World’s Cheapest Manicure and Pedicure

June 2, 2015
Unless you’re at the beach, in a water park or at the gym, it’s pretty rare to see Colombians dress informal in shorts, tank-tops, sweatshirts and flip flops. They usually don’t even leave their house without showering, making their hair look great, shaving or putting make-up on. Looking good in public is very