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The Cost Of Having A Maid In Colombia

One of the things about Colombia that makes life here feel luxurious, at least in the eyes of a foreigner, is the fact that services that include manual labour are very affordable. For me, personally, having a full-time maid is something I would have never been able to afford in

Cali’s Best Coffee Shops

July 26, 2018
Juan Valdez and newly arrived Starbucks in Cali are filled to the brim with people drinking coffee produced for the masses. But as many experts will tell you, this mass-produced and highly marketed coffee – while wildly popular and very expensive – is not the best cup of coffee available on

Health Insurance in Colombia

A couple of months ago, I gave my second speech about visiting, living, and investing in Cali to a group of European and North American retirees and investors at the Live and Invest Overseas conference in Medellin. It’s an annual, weeklong event with up to 8 different speakers presenting each

3 Things To Do In Pasto

September 22, 2016
One of the things you’ve likely come to realize is the high level of contrast within Colombia, which seems to have every conceivable landscape known to us. I am talking about tropical coasts, Amazonian jungle, plains and wetlands, and even desserts that somehow found themselves nestled in the middle of

Anderson: A Gold Miner From Timbiquí

January 12, 2016
Anderson is the cousin of one of my neighbours. I met him by our swimming pool during the holidays. Although he lives less than 45 minutes away from Cali by plane, his world is very different from mine. I kept picking him for stories about his life on the Pacific
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