Quirovita – Cali’s only real Chiropractor

May 27, 2015
2 mins read

One day after playing with my daughter, swinging her around and throwing her on in the air, my back went into a lock-down. It came sneaking and within an hour I couldn’t even bend down to tie my own shoes. I’m 30 years old, in pretty good shape and all of a sudden I felt like I was 90 and on my way to the nursing home. It was bad and after a night with no sleep, I realized that it wasn’t going to get any better by it self.. at least not immediately.

It was about 3 days before going on a long trip overseas, and anyone who has ever traveled with small children, can verify when I say, that traveling long-distance with kids should be an olympic discipline. It takes a lot of stamina, patience and strength. Needless to say I was desperate for a solution…

A few months prior to this experience, my younger brother was visiting from Denmark. One night trying to impress a few of the local Caleñas on the dance floor with his wannabe breakdancing moves (aka the worm – here’s how it’s done correctly), he got himself into some serious lower backpain. I kept making fun of him, for christ’s sake – the boy is only 21 – how could he possible be limping around the house like a “viejito”?! Anyways, I kind of ignored his complaining until it reached a point where one day he said that he needed to get some professional help and started looking around Cali for a chiropractor. After a bit of googling, browsing the yellow pages and asking around, he stumbled upon Quirovita. His Spanish is pretty much non-existent, so I called them and made an appointment for him the same day. Upon arriving, we realized that that the chiropractors are not Colombians, but Americans, with several operating clinics in Orlando, Florida. Before they arrived in Colombia, being a chiropractor didn’t even exist as an approved medical specialty and they had to go through a great deal of trouble, to have it approved by the Colombian authorities in Bogotá.

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Anyways they fixed my brother’s back after a few visits and they also ended up fixing mine. I’ve met all of the partners in the office and they are all top-notch professionals with experience from working with high-performance athletes such as hockey players, American football players, MMA fighters, but also from working with seniors, youngsters and everyone in between. They are good at explaining how your body works, why it is responding the way it is and most importantly coming up with a solution.

I highly recommend going if your back, hip, shoulder, neck, etc is giving you a hard time. They recommend that you to have an X-ray taken (it’s just around the corner) before starting any treatment, to properly analyze where and why you’re in pain.

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Quirovita • Carrera 44 # 5c-21 in Tequendama – Cali, Colombia

Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00am to noon & from 1:30pm to 6:30pm
Wednesday from 8:00am to 12:30pm & from 1:00pm to 3:30pm
Friday from 8:00am to 12:30pm & from 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Saturday from 8:00am to 1:00pm

Make an appointment by calling: 382 6660 & 314 6690656

They charge $65.000 pesos for the initial consultation with examination, correction and explanation of your optional X-rays. If you wish to follow their recommendation and do the X-ray as well, that will add an extra $35.000 pesos to your first visit. Don’t get the x-ray done before your initial examination. They will fill out a medical form telling the radiographer exactly how yours needs to be taken.
If you need additional corrections after that, the price going forward is reduced by more than 50% per visit.

Passed through Cali for the first time in 2011, on his way from the US to Brazil on a motorcycle. Ended up kissing a caleña on his last night and the rest is history. Has been a resident of Cali, Colombia since 2013 and currently living in Barrio Bellavista with his girlfriend and 2 daughters.

1 Comment

  1. I actually have another guest post idea that would be perfect for your site.
    It’s called: “chiropractor after car accident settlement”
    I could have it sent to you this week.
    Either way, thanks again for your insights!

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